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Swine Artificial Insemination
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       The technology on Swine Artificial Insemination is making an impact on the Philippines Pig Industry. It is observed that most pig farms both commercial and backyard are adopting this breeding technology.

       In the practice of A.I., it seems that everyone has a question or two about the technology. Exchange of ideas and information can help everyone make a progress in successfully adopting AI as a routine protocol.




       This website is one of the components of a social marketing project that promotes the use of artificial insemination in swine breeding in the Philippines. This is a project of a group of students in DEVC 208 Communication, Social Marketing and Social Mobilization, College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baņos.





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Swine Artificial Insemination

       The technology on Swine Artificial Insemination is making an impact on the Philippines Pig Industry. It is observed that most pig farms both commercial and backyard are adopting this breeding technology.  In the practice of Artificial Insemination, it seems that everyone has a question or two about the technology. Exchange of ideas and information can help everyone make a progress in successfully adopting AI as a routine protocol.

      This site provides information on artificial insemination in swine. This is a social marketing project of a group of graduate students in DEVC 208 Communication Social Marketing and Social Mobilization, College of Development Communication, University of the Philippines Los Baņos.  First Semester School Year  2005-2006.

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